You don’t have to choose between your business and your life

Financial freedom for business owners running busy lives too

You started your business with ambitions.

You had a dream lifestyle in mind, even if it felt far away on the horizon.

But it’s hard to let your ambition lead the way when you’re buried under admin and financial obligations.


Understand today

Nail the foundations first. Unchain yourself from the bookkeeping and get it running smoothly without you.

Forecast tomorrow

Think big picture. Know your business inside out, so you have the money and resources to turn goals into action.
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It’s all too easy to get trapped in a cycle of guilt

Guilty when you’re not at work ‘hustling’, guilty when you don’t feel you’re being truly present with your loved ones.

Remember, your business was built to facilitate your dream, not get in the way of it.

We know what it’s like. Sometimes you’re so busy being busy you lose track of why you went out on your own in the first place.

You can have your cake and eat it too

We believe accounting must revolve around the milestones in your life.

Just ticking boxes isn’t enough. You want to be mentally free from overwhelm, and financially free to take the next step forward.

Here’s the truth:

You can run a successful business and take time off.
You can make a profit and be present.
You can have both.

No catch, no secret. Just a goal-focused process.

Our Mission: To make the accounting process as quick and simple as possible, so you can spend more time doing the things you love with the people you love.

We do that by understanding where you are today. Once we’ve defined your goals and freed up your time, we can forecast your tomorrow, taking practical steps towards your ideal lifestyle.

It all starts by figuring out what stage you’re at right now.









We're with you every step of the way, but first we need to get to know you.