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5 Reasons Why You Need A Bookkeeper

Whether you provide consultancy services, sell handmade jewellery, or create tailored software solutions, one thing is certain about every business – you earn money and you spend it. And a bookkeeper can help you keep track of that. So how would a bookkeeper help your business? Let’s consider some of the benefits you would experience […]

What are the ‘Three Freedoms’ and how can we help?

When you began your business journey, you likely had many goals and motivations. Ultimately, these goals come down to one (or a combination) of three primary goals, which we refer to as the ‘three freedoms’.   Financial Freedom Time Freedom Mind Freedom As your accountants, our mission is to assist you in achieving these freedoms. […]

5 Strategies to Help Your Business Grow in Tough Times

5 Strategies to Help Your Business Grow in Tough Times This year started off with lots of optimism. We were back on track after Covid, the cost of living pressures felt in 2023 felt like they were easing somewhat and there was a real sense of this being ‘the year’ for businesses up and down […]

What is the Employment Allowance?

In a nutshell the Employment Allowance is a grant towards your National Insurance (Class 1) payments that you pay as an employer.  For the tax year 24/25 the Employment Allowance is £5000.   What is Employers National Insurance Class 1? If your employee earns over the NIC Threshold (currently £9096 for 24/25) then as the […]

What’s the difference between a Profit and Loss Statement and a Balance Sheet?

Financial statements are essential tools for understanding a business’s financial health and performance. Two key financial statements are the Profit and Loss Statement (P&L) and the Balance Sheet. Knowing the difference between these statements helps assess a company’s profitability, liquidity, and overall financial position. In this article, we’ll explore what these statements are, their components, […]

What happens if I invoice and get paid for a piece of work this financial year but don’t do the work until next financial year?

So you’ve signed a new client, you’ve invoiced them and because they are an absolute dream client, they’ve paid you straight away but you’re not actually completing the work for them until the new financial year, what does that mean for your accounts and your tax?!   In the accounting world we call this deferred […]

The Ins and Outs of Shared Parental Leave for Small Businesses

As a modern and progressive small business owner, you probably want to do everything you can to support working parents. That’s where shared parental leave comes in – giving employees more flexibility when a new child arrives.   Shared parental leave (SPL) allows parents to split up the traditional maternity/paternity leave and pay in a […]

The New Dad’s Guide to Paternity Leave and Pay

The New Dad’s Guide to Paternity Leave and Pay  So your employee is expecting a baby – that’s amazing news! But hold up, we can’t just focus on the mum-to-be. New dads in the workplace deserve some time off to bond with their newest additions too.    As a small business owner, you’ll need to […]

The Basics of Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and Leave

Congrats! One of your employees is expecting a little bundle of joy. While you’re absolutely thrilled for them, you might also be feeling a bit lost when it comes to dealing with maternity leave and pay as a small business owner. Not to worry, we’ve got you covered!   First things first, it’s important to […]

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