What are the ‘Three Freedoms’ and how can we help?

Three Freedoms blog header

When you began your business journey, you likely had many goals and motivations. Ultimately, these goals come down to one (or a combination) of three primary goals, which we refer to as the ‘three freedoms’.


  1. Financial Freedom
  2. Time Freedom
  3. Mind Freedom

As your accountants, our mission is to assist you in achieving these freedoms. We aim to help you make more money, minimize your tax, and, most importantly, enjoy the lifestyle you are craving.

Let’s take a deeper look into each freedom.

1 – Financial Freedom

Simply put, financial freedom means having enough money to enjoy your desired lifestyle.

Each business will have different financial goals, and these goals will move and change as you grow.

But what does financial freedom mean to you personally, as a business owner?

Take our founder + CEO, Cheryl, for example. Her goal when starting Pink Pig Financials, was to be able to pay her bills without relying on anyone else, but also to afford a few luxuries – like holidays abroad now and then!

For others, the goal may be fuelled by the need to earn more due to a growing family, or the desire to create a nice nest egg for retirement (perhaps early retirement!).

So, how do we achieve financial freedom?

The key areas to keep an eye on include sales, your profit margins, and of course getting that cash in your bank!

As your accountant we can help you with things like business planning, budgeting and cash flow management. Once we know what your number is we can help build a plan and help you achieve it!


2 – Time Freedom

Financial freedom is great, but what good is it if you don’t have the time to enjoy it?

Money has always been used to measure success, but for most business owners today, time freedom is just as important. It means having the time to do the things you want to do!

What does time freedom mean for you? Could it be working less during the week? Having more time for holidays and travel? Spending more time with you family and friends? If you’ve said yes to one or all of the above, you’re not alone!

In order to reach these goals though, there are a few areas of your business to look at. Including ;Creating a sustainable, scalable and saleable business, clarifying who does what, and improving 


We can help with coaching, an organisational review, and an app review and training – helping to make sure your business is as efficient as possible!

Another quick exercise to help free up some time is looking at the Achiever Matrix by Steven Covey. Check out our free worksheet to see where you spend your time, and what you can do to help free up your time!


3 – Mind Freedom

Okay, so you’ve got the cash, and you have the time. But what about mind freedom?

This freedom means having the peace of mind to really switch off and be present, and super importantly – be able to sleep at night!

This is potentially the hardest freedom to achieve as a business owner. Our businesses are our babies – will we ever not worry or think about them?! Will we ever not wake up at silly o’clock with an idea, or go away and not get inspiration?

But having that peace of mind that things are being done, you’re all legal and above board – but not paying more than you should, and generally knowing that everything is ok will enable you to really be present and enjoy the lifestyle you’re working towards.

How do we help with this?

It’s pretty much a given that you want your accounts and tax returns done correctly and filed on time (check out our compliance services – bookkeeping, VAT, PAYE, accounts, tax returns and more!) and of course you want your taxes as low as legally possible (basic tax planning is included as standard within our accounts services, and more complex tax planning is delivered as and where required), but also having that support and understanding what on earth is going on with your business is also pretty important! (Check out our coaching services, and our Money Confidence Programme).


Quick Wins

Now you may be thinking, this all sounds great, but how do I get there?

Fully achieving the three freedoms will take time and some hard work – but rest assured – there are plenty of quick wins and smaller goals along the way!

Check out our free Three Freedoms Worksheet to help you identify areas in your business that you can work on to ensure you achieve financial, time and mind freedom.


Want more help?

That is exactly what we’re here for! As I’ve said above – it’s our job to help you achieve these three freedoms, and that is what we want for all of our clients. We truly want them to have enough money and time to do the things they love with the people they love – and most importantly enjoy it!

If you’d like some help achieving these three freedoms then pop over to our Get Started page, complete the quick questionnaire and book a discovery call with us. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you achieve your goals!