Are you scared to grow your business?

Grow your business

“’I just don’t want to feel like IT’S SCARY  to grow the business…!’’


If your business scares you, even a little bit, then read on!


In a Discovery Call recently, a very successful lady 

(who did come on board with us by the way *yay*)

said those words. Here we were, talking to someone who has been in business, and smashing it, for quite a while, and she felt scared


Now you’re like 

‘’well yeah, mo’ money mo’ problems!’’


You know, it doesn’t have to be this way…?


What is it that scares you about business growth?


  • Paying more tax? 
  • More compliance with HMRC? 
  • Working more? 
  • Working too much? 
  • Having to hand some things over? 
  • Needing more support? 
  • Losing the freedom you’ve already worked for?
  • It all just ‘’getting away’’ from you?

Do you know what?

Our Founder, Cheryl, felt all those same feelings.


And all of the 100s of business owners we’ve worked with have felt those same feelings.

Feelings are valid, but they are not always FACT.

It’s not a FACT that growing your business will take away your freedom. 

It’s not a FACT that growing your business will mean massive tax bills you can’t afford. 

It’s not a FACT that needing support means losing control of your business.

The FACT is that yes, growing will require some change. 

And yes, it may get uncomfortable.

But the FACT also is that armed with knowledge & support, it’s more than possible for you.

And that pretty soon, you can feel comfortable in your growth, and find your business giving you even more freedom than it is right now.

Ready for your growth era? We’re here to help!


Find out about Pink Pig in my Pocket, our affordable BRAND NEW service for New & Small Business owners

Or our Growth strategy Sessions, for any business owner that wants to focus on growing. 

or, let’s start with the basics and book in a discovery call.