Nobody puts start-ups in the corner

The affordable accounting support sole traders and early
stage businesses are asking for.

Does this catch 22 sound familiar?

You want to grow
your business and
earn more money.
BUT until you’re earning more
money you can’t afford to get
an accountant to tell you how
to grow your business and
earn more money.

It’s a frustrating cycle many small business owners find themselves and it can feel impossible to move forward.

Pink Pig in my Pocket is a monthly subscription service that guides you through your accounting requirements and helps you understand (and increase) your finances.

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This isn’t like other starter accounting solutions

There’s a team of encouraging (real life) accountants behind your laptop screen

Community is vital in business. At some point, every business owner needs advice from someone who’s been there before. It’s so important to have a place to talk openly about your challenges and victories. That’s why Pink Pig in my Pocket combines hands-on support from the Pink Pig team. No more faceless apps, impersonal subscriptions or cheap unresponsive accountants.

Digital sessions you can consume at your own pace…
Live support from the Pink Pig team…
PLUS a community of fellow business owners in the same position as you.

Tell me more...

Exactly what’s included:

Over 10 hours of digital masterclasses

Expert-led training sessions added every month and available to watch at your leisure. Get stuck into everything from learning the accounting basics to earning more income. Enjoy actionable content designed to help you grow your business without burning out.


A monthly live session with the Pink Pig team

All the value of the masterclasses but live and kicking! Meet for goal-setting sessions and attend the bookkeeping clinic. This is your opportunity to ask questions, get feedback and share progress.


Access to a Slack community

Our community will be open to all members. Share your wins, worries and wonderings with a group of likeminded business owners. You can also ask all those burning questions between live sessions.  We’re excited to bring people together on the journey.


All the freebies!

We’ll have helpful tips to read and free resources to use. If there’s a system or a spreadsheet that works wonders for us, you’d best believe we’ll be sharing it with you.

Sick of being slave to the 9-5?

For only £37 a month (just £1.23 a day) you can learn the skills to build up your income and create the freedom you dream of.
(All the FAQs here!)

You deserve help that meets you where you are

Pink Pig in my Pocket is perfect for you if:

You’re a sole trader, side-hustler or in your first few years of business.
You’re turning over less than £15-20k and you’d love to be making more profit.
You know you need help with accounting but you can’t afford an accountant yet.

Pay your first £37 today to get instant access.

Check out our FAQs here.  

Have a question we haven’t answered? Email us on and ask away!