5 Reasons Why You Need A Bookkeeper

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Whether you provide consultancy services, sell handmade jewellery, or create tailored software solutions, one thing is certain about every business – you earn money and you spend it. And a bookkeeper can help you keep track of that.

So how would a bookkeeper help your business?

Let’s consider some of the benefits you would experience from having a skilled bookkeeper…


1. You can focus on managing the business, not the books

It’s probably safe to say that most people find the tax season a “not so fun” time of the year! Probably one of the most attractive benefits of having a bookkeeper is the time-savings – instead of managing books, you are freed to focus on core areas of your business, working on the things you are passionate about and great at doing. 


2. A good bookkeeper can bring valuable expertise.

With years of experience in managing the finances of different businesses of varying sizes, bookkeepers may not have not seen it all, but they have certainly seen a lot! Their fresh pair of eyes and expertise can spot money draining areas where your business could be more efficient in its processes and provide advice to implement strategies that improve efficiency. 


3. Detailed, real time reporting for your business.

Having easy to follow financial data about your business at your fingertips enables you to make smarter business decisions since you have increased visibility on how your business is doing. Bookkeepers can help you track metrics that matter to you and provide useful insights into your business numbers.


4. Accurate budgeting

Has your final tax bill caught you by surprise? You will be better prepared for taxes and have a more accurate idea of your finances throughout the whole year. Thanks to a bookkeeper, you may also notice a reduction in those time-consuming errors.

Your revenue, expenses, statements and payments will always be up to date, never again will you have to spend hours reviewing all your records and receipts just before the deadline, instead you can budget more accurately and own your future!


5. Smooth business growth

A bookkeeper can help you jump every hurdle and avoid costly penalties as you scale your business, making this a smoother process in which you remain in control of your finances. They can also use their prior knowledge to assist you as you develop your internal systems to handle the expansion – their tips and advice will ensure you are well equipped to be effective as you navigate new territory.

Even if your business is at a stable size, bookkeepers can still help you cope with changes that are outside of your control. For example, by paying close attention to updates on tax regulations and being familiar with the requirements, they can ensure you comply with the relevant laws in a timely manner, sparing you costly penalties. 


So, what are you waiting for?

If you would like to find out more about bookkeeping services and discuss what we could do for your business, please get in touch; we would love to help!


Looking for some tax tips and advice? Check out PPF on YouTube!