Pink Pig in my Pocket FAQs

Pink Pig in my Pocket FAQs

How much time will I need to invest?

The short answer – it’s totally up to you!

The full answer – to get the most out of the membership we’d recommend joining each of the live sessions, which will be 1 hour each, once a month, on the third Thursday of each month at 11am, as well as engaging in the Slack community with the other members/business owners.  We also have the on demand masterclasses for you to watch at your convenience, so there’s no deadline or requirement to watch these, but they will help grow your business and your confidence as a business owner.

Am I tied in to the membership for a certain amount of time?

Obviously we don’t want you to leave, but we get that we may not be right for you, or you need to leave for some other reason.  There is an initial 3 month minimum term, but after your first 3 months are complete you are free to cancel your membership whenever you wish.

When are the monthly live streams? Are they on a regular day/time?

The monthly sessions will be on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11am.  If for any reason this needs to change we’ll let you know in plenty of time!

Will the live sessions be recorded?

At the moment we’re not planning to record these and make them available on the platform, mostly because members will be asking questions and we don’t feel it’s fair on them (plus we don’t want the fact it’s recorded to deter people from asking questions).  However, sessions where we have a guest in to deliver a masterclass (or one of the PPF team deliver a live masterclass) will be recorded and added to The Vault section.

What if I don’t want to ask my question in a live session?

First of all – we truly believe that no question is a silly question – so if this is a fear and stopping you from asking, then please don’t worry.  We want you to ask questions, and others probably have similar questions to you.  The more questions you ask, the more you will learn and understand – and that’s the aim here.  However, if you really don’t want to ask on a live session we do get it, so feel free to ask on the Slack community, or to email us a question and we will reply.

Will you do my tax return for me?

We will be sharing plenty of support and guidance to help you do your own tax return, however we know sometimes you just want it done for you – be it for peace of mind, or time, or whatever reason.  

As a PP in my Pocket member as long as you’re either using the Bookkeeping spreadsheet in The Vault, or Dext Solo/Xero & Dext, we’ll be able to do your return at a special price of £150 including VAT (each year/for each return completed)

The boring bit: Sorry to be a bore, but as doing your tax return means we’re officially engaged as your accountant we’ll need to do a formal proposal and engagement letter, and carry out AML checks as part of our standard onboarding.  You will receive a 50% discount (bringing down to £30 inc VAT) on the biometric AML check, which needs renewing once every 3 years.


Got a question we haven’t answered? Email us on and ask away!

Ready to join us? Sign up here!

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