How to manage staff holidays

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You’re probably thinking, “It’s just time off, how hard can it be?” But trust me, when you’re running a small team, balancing everyone’s summer plans and holidays can feel like solving a Rubik’s cube blindfolded!


The Holiday Juggling Act

Let’s face it, everyone needs a break. But when you’re trying to keep your business running smoothly, those holiday requests can really throw a spanner in the works.

It’s tempting to just wing it, but that’s a one-way ticket to stressed-out staff and potential legal headaches.

So, what’s a savvy business owner to do? Here’s the game plan:

  1. Get that holiday policy sorted: First things first, you need a clear holiday policy. It’s like a roadmap for time off. Make it fair, make it clear, and make sure everyone knows about it.
  2. Calculate your team’s entitlements: Make sure you’re giving everyone their legal minimum (and maybe a bit extra if you’re feeling generous). (Hint – our software can do this for you)
  3. Set up a request system: Whether it’s a fancy app or a good old-fashioned calendar, have a system for holiday requests. First come, first served usually works well. (Hint hint!! You guessed it – our software can do this for you!)
  4. Plan for busy periods: Got a crazy summer rush? Make sure your policy covers how you’ll handle holiday requests during peak times.
  5. Use it or lose it? Decide if you’ll let people carry over unused holiday. Just remember, there are some legal minimums to consider.
  6. Cover all bases: When someone’s sunning themselves on a beach, who’s covering their work? Have a plan for this!
  7. Be flexible (When You Can): Sometimes life throws curveballs. If you can be a bit flexible with holiday requests, your team will love you for it.

The Bottom Line

Managing holidays is all about finding that sweet spot between keeping your business running and making sure your team gets the R&R they need. It might seem like a lot to handle, but get it right and you’ll have a happier, more productive team (and fewer headaches for you!).


Need a Hand?

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This stuff can be tricky, especially when you’re juggling all the other parts of running a business. That’s where we come in!

If you’re scratching your head over holiday calculations, struggling to balance everyone’s summer plans, or just want to make sure you’re doing everything by the book, give us a shout. Our People and Culture service is here to help you navigate the tricky waters of holiday management and keep your business running smoothly all year round.

Drop us a line, and let’s chat about how we can take the stress out of managing holidays for your business.

We’ll help you set up a system that works for you and your team, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business!

Remember, a well-rested team is a productive team.

So, let’s work together to get your holiday management sorted. Your future self (and your employees) will thank you when they’re coming back from their breaks refreshed and ready to smash it!