Pink Pig Financials Values

Because less time on your books, means more time with your family

We like to think that we remove the gobbledygook from the accounting process.

We speak to our customers in jargon-free plain English, leaving you more time to focus on your business rather than trying to unravel what we’re talking about.

Our Purpose

Pink Pig Financials is more than just about offering a great accounting service and here are our two main reasons why:


To make the accounting process as quick and simple as possible for parents, so our clients can focus on their businesses and doing the things they love with the people they love.


We want to give other hardworking parents an opportunity of joining our team; we offer flexible working that fits around our children as we recognise how important it is to be present in their little lives.

We do this and so can you!

We truly know what you’re going through

Pink Pig Financials help you to take back control of your life; we are here to support your start-up business through all its transitions, allowing you to be there for your family. Imagine how good it feels to set your own working hours and never have to ask permission to be at a school play, sports day or enjoy long school holidays?

Because less time on your books means more time with your family.

“My Ultimate Why

– to be there for my kids and to be a strong female role model for them.”


“Pink Pig Financials are simply amazing. Great service, professional and very friendly. I’m so happy with Cheryl that I couldn’t imagine me ever hiring another accountant. She’s very knowledgable and I can’t recommend her enough.”

Veena Vee, Founder at Mum to Millionaire, YouTuber

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