Sole Trader Tax Return Questionnaire 23/24

To enable us to complete your Tax Return, we ask that you provide all relevant information for the period 6th April 2023 to 5th April 2024 using this questionnaire.

If we are to prepare a correct tax return it is important that you provide complete and accurate information about all your income and outgoings for the year. The questions below are tailored to help you provide the information, and there is a space to include any further items that you believe may be relevant to your tax affairs.

Here’s a 3 minute explainer video to help you complete the form.

Thank you

  • If so, please advise any details you haven't already notified us - ie address/telephone
  • Do you have the following:

  • (Note: please ignore ISA's!)
  • (Note: we will need income and expenses for all rental properties)
  • (If so please upload P60 & P11D below)
  • (ie Carers allowance, Jobseekers allowance, taxable incapacity benefit, SSP, maternity, paternity and adoption pay directly from HMRC?)
  • (If so please confirm below Plan 1, 2 or Post Graduate)
  • (Please note: it is not paid monthly, but 4 weekly, therefore there could be either 52 or 53 payments in the year, so we need to know for sure the total amount received)
  • (If so, please advise below who has transferred to who, and your spouses' full name, date of birth and NI number.)
  • ( If so please advise details.)
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, xls, xlsx, csv, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • Use of Home

      If you work from home, even just a few hours per week, we can include a portion of your home bills within the accounts as an expense. There are two ways we can do this - either the flat rate of £26pm, or using actual bills! Please indicate which method you would prefer us to use, and if the bills method please answer the questions accordingly.
    • If using actual bills method please answer the following:

    • Other Expenses

    • (Please remember that your journeys to and from your office/usual place of work cannot be included - just journeys everywhere else!)
      Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, xls, xlsx, csv, Max. file size: 50 MB.
      • Drop files here or
        Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, xls, xlsx, csv, Max. file size: 50 MB.
        • Declaration