Pink Pig Mentoring – Our Mentoring Services

Pink Pig Mentoring

Owning and operating your own business is hard work and can often leave you feeling unsupported.  Our mentoring services provide you with accountability and support to ensure you make the best decisions for you and your business.  We’ll work together to develop strategies to achieve your desired work outcomes and gain the lifestyle you want.

Whether your business needs guiding through a major change, or you simply wish to have regular contact, and some accountability, with a trusted mentor, we’d love to help! We are here to support, challenge and guide you.

We offer monthly or quarterly mentoring sessions that are completely tailored to you and your needs.  And we also have a few set programmes to tackle specific areas.

Monthly Mentoring

Long and demanding hours make it easy to get trapped in a tunnel vision state.  It’s important to take time from the daily operation of your business to gain perspective and clarity.

Our monthly mentoring provides a regular forum to bounce ideas and make plans.  We’ll give you the accountability and support you need to ensure you make the best decisions for you and your business. Together we’ll develop strategies to improve performance and overcome any challenges you face.

Mentoring isn’t just about increased accountability, profitability and cashflow. It’s also about achieving your desired work outcomes to gain the lifestyle you want.

Monthly Mentoring enables you to be proactive, not reactive:

  • Be accountable to achieve your desired results Identity and resolve your burning issues
  • Gain an understanding of the key drivers within your business
  • Understand the impact of ideas prior to implementing them
  • Access an impartial mentor to filter ideas and improve decision-making
  • Increase efficiency, profitability and cashflow Improve leadership and management

Mentoring consists of monthly meetings with a senior team member. Prior to each session you’ll complete simple pre-work which will influence the focus of each session.

We’ll help you review your results, identify opportunities, clarify areas for improvement, and discuss how to overcome any obstacles you’re facing.

Monthly mentoring gives you regular dedicated time to make better business decisions, utilising knowledge and support from your mentor.

Quarterly Mentoring

The purpose of quarterly mentoring is to provide you with accountability and support to keep you on target towards achieving the goals you have set in your Business Plan.

We’ll ensure your Business Plan remains a living, working document and is the filter through which all decisions are made.

Mentoring isn’t just about increased accountability, profitability and cashflow. It’s about achieving your desired work outcomes in order to achieve your desired personal lifestyle.

Quarterly mentoring may also be used as a vehicle to guide you through major changes in your business.

Quarterly mentoring consists of quarterly meetings with a senior team member. We’ll help you review your results, clarify areas where you can improve, set 90 day goals and identify strategies to achieve them.

Quarterly mentoring gives you regular dedicated time you regular dedicated time to make better business decisions, utilising knowledge and support from your mentor.

Money Confidence Programme

Our Money Confidence Programme is designed to bring you the knowledge, confidence and power you’ve been looking for. Management decisions rely on a sound understanding of the financial drivers in your business. We’ve developed this programme to not only help you have accurate numbers, but to teach you how to understand and interpret them so your business has the strong foundation it needs to grow. 

Cashflow Management Mentoring 

If you’re having cashflow issues this could be just the thing for you.  After putting together a cashflow forecast we offer an initial session to look at the issues you have around cashflow, find the likely root causes, set some improvement goals.  Followed by 4 accountability sessions, ensuring that you put in place essential cash flow management strategies and achieve your cash flow improvement goals.

KPI Improvement – COMING SOON

We’ve developed this service to enable business owners to understand the key drivers in their business.  The better you understand your business, the easier it will be to increase your profits and free up cashflow.

First, we’ll help you establish what your key drivers are.  These may be financial (e.g. gross profit margin), or non-financial (e.g. customer satisfaction ratings).  We’ll teach you how to measure each KPI and set improvement targets.  Once you’re confident measuring each KPI we’ll provide monthly coaching to help you implement a tactical plan focusing on the business processes and behavioural changes required to ensure improvement.

Investing a little time each week and making simple changes can dramatically improve your KPIs, thus positively impacting your business performance and personal life.

Want to know more and have a chat about how we can help?  Book a discovery call by emailing us on We look forward to hearing from you!