How to market during the Coronavirus pandemic

A lot of you have been asking us about marketing and our opinions on how to market at the moment, and obviously we’re not marketers, but a lot of the advice we give as accountants relates back to your marketing as we obviously want to help you sell, to get money in and keep your business going as best as you can to get through these crazy times.

Our fantastic marketing team at PF (who only work with us accountants) share some great advice for all businesses out there who are wondering how do they market in the current climate.

As they don’t work with anyone other than accountants there is absolutely no agenda – they just want to help.

However if you do want someone to help you with your marketing then we have a couple of clients we can highly recommend, so please just ask 🙂

They’ve looked at 3 scenarios which are pretty common at the moment:


  1. Businesses who are currently temporarily closed
  2. Businesses who are pivoting their business models
  3. Businesses who are able to continue as normal (ish) and are even flourishing



